About the challenges

The challenges on this page will help you, or your student, to find a piece in the puzzle we call ‘motivation’. The self assessment can help you find which piece of the puzzle you are missing. Afterwards, come here to download the perfect challenge

If you are a coach, browse through the library to find a challenge that meets the needs of the person you are working with. Don’t hesitate to change a challenge based on their personal needs.

* Click on the challenge you want to download

1. Benefits of physical activity

Outcome: After the challenges, I am aware of the primary benefits of being physically active

2. Finding abilities to move

Outcome: After the challenge, I am aware of all the possible ways I can be physically active within the constraints of my own resources (time, money, place).

3. Accessing resources

Outcome: After the challenge, I am aware of all the possible ways I can be physically active within the constraints of my own resources (time, money, place).

4. Finding personal motivation

Outcome: After the challenge, I am aware that I can do/find physical activities I personally want to do, independent of what my friends do or other people want me to do.

5. Finding my sports

Outcome: After the challenge, I reflected on the reason why others want me to do sports and understand the benefits they see for me. I can talk with them about physical activities that match these benefits, which I might like more.

6. Feeling confident

Outcome: After this challenge, I am less likely to avoid possible shame experiences during physical activity. I feel hopeful and confident about the changes I can make to my physical activities and I also made a first step to overcome my feelings of shame.

7. Feeling in control

Outcome: After this challenge, I am aware of the contexts or behaviours that lead to feelings of shame within myself. And I experience a higher level of control and competence over my feelings of shame. I will be less driven by feelings of shame, more driven by pleasure and likeable activities.

8. Making myself proud

Outcome: After this challenge, I reflected on my personal motivation in my current physical activities. I separated my loyalty feelings towards others and my opinion regarding the activity. And I critically reflected on whether or not I should switch activities.

9. Looking at myself

Outcome: After the challenge, I realize that being physically active is not the only thing that people judge/value me on. They will rather see me as a multifaceted person, with many different strengths. This allows me to untie my motivation from the validation I get from other people. 

10. Identifying my needs

Outcome: After the challenge, I identified which benefits of being physically active are most important to me.

11. Setting goals

Outcome: After the challenge, I am able to set a goal that matches with the benefits of sports that I find important. I was able to stick to the goal for two weeks. 

* To all our coaches: For more in-depth information please visit the BABW website: https://www.beactivebewell.eu/